Monday 7 April 2008

New books

We had two friends visiting us for a couple of days. One was coming from London, the other from Rome. As usual, I asked them to bring me something: from London, it was stem ginger in sugar syrup, golden syrup, and some Tiptree jams which I cannot buy where I live (victoria plum and black cherry). Alas, these were confiscated at Heathrow. Given the restrictions on carry-on luggage, of course the security did not allow these things on board.

I was more lucky with the parmigiano reggiano from Rome, although I am not sure what would have happened had my friend been searched.

Most importantly, I asked for cookbooks, and these arrived safely: "The French Laundry Cookbook", by Thomas Keller, and "Le Ricette Regionalle Italiane", by Anna Gosetti della Salda.

Some people may say that I own too many cookbooks, as if that was possible...

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